Sunday, November 19, 2006

"Fashion v Style" by FCUK

"Fashion v Style" ad campaign by Fcuk for Spring 2006, and a very good ad indeed. Excellent creative direction and very controversial. I would say it is one of the best fashion tvc, and far more creative than the bigger fashion labels. It is interesting that the ad gives u an idea of how the clothes will look like when you get into a brawl or anything that has alot of movement involved, plus i love the fact that it also shows you how the clothes look like when they get torn apart. It's not that often that girls get into fights like this but it could be in a similar situation where you are about to have hot/dirty sex with someone and he pulls your clothes etc. Good ad to show how you'd look when properly dressed, and how you'd look when you're in a mess, and with Fcuk you will impress.

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